
  • Fufills: to fulfill means to carry out something, to fulfill a duty, an order, an assignment, a wish, a promise, to abide by, obey, observe, among others.
  • Founder: Person or entity that constitutes a foundation in a commercial company, natural or legal person that grants the corporate deed and subscribes the shares.
  • advertisementsIt is a visual, auditory or audiovisual medium of short duration that transmits a message, generally focused on a specific idea or fact, for advertising purposes.
  • witness: In its broadest meaning, a witness is that person who is capable of attesting to an event by having knowledge of it.​
  • seeks: Action of searching, searching, inquiring, inquiring, investigating, examining, tracking, exploring
  • ensure: Give confidence and tranquility, make worry or fear about something go away; make you feel safe.
  • viewers: Spectators are a group of people who read, listen to or watch the press, radio, television or cinema.
  • striking: A striking design is characterized by maintaining a good balance between space and elements, but when a composition is very saturated, it does not allow the message to be clear and cannot be understood.
  • business: It consists of a method of forming or obtaining money in exchange for products, services, or any activity that you want to develop.
  • pictograms: A pictogram is a graphic representation understood as a sign that conveys information about a specific object in a figurative way without the need to use language.
  • Starred: Play the most important role in any event or action, using additional information such as annotations and other relevant details to provide a better understanding of the data.
  • Such: When two elements or shapes look the same our mind tends to group them as a whole or as part of a pattern. This visual effect can be used in design to create a single image across two or more elements.


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